mental health (5)

Top 10 Lifestyle Advices to prevent Chronic Diseases

In today's world of lifestyle medicine, one can easily beat or prevent common chronic diseases by making simple lifestyle modifications that suit one's current daily activities and health features. As research progresses, we have more new reasons and scientific data to explain why these simple…

By Dr. Shivangi Pawar

PMS & Mood Swing more than a month

For many women, PMS is a nightmare come true. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS), for those who are unfamiliar, is a disease that affects women one to two weeks before their periods. PMS is a very common condition among women in their 30s and 40s. Few people…

By Dr. Shivangi Pawar

Anita's Skin Care Story

Wrinkles, dark spots, acne, dry skin, and ageing skin can all have an effect on how others view you. More importantly, it has the capacity to alter your perspective of yourself. Here are some potential answers to those problems. Anita used to enjoy going out…

By Dr. Shivangi Pawar

Staying young is tricky but possible

Some people find it difficult to mature gracefully. They are worried about wrinkles, greying hair, and other signs of ageing. People who are getting older, on the other hand, should focus on getting all of the nutrients they need. Senior folks have a more difficult…

By Dr. Shivangi Pawar

How to manage anxiety and self confidence??

Some women may struggle to cope with their feelings and worries. In addition, a woman's self-esteem and confidence may be affected. As a result, here is a list of strategies that a woman can do to help regulate her anxieties and increase her self-esteem. The…

By Dr. Shivangi Pawar